Offline Team Members

Emily Meyer
Emily came home to a beautiful wooden piano one day after school. She was only 6, but children start school early in Tainan city, Taiwan. She climbed onto the bench and opened the Yamaha case and instantly fell in love with the quality of not only the wooden design, but the sound the keys made.
"Am I going to be learning how to play the piano, Mom?" she asked. "Yes! You start next week." Ever since that day she has had a love for listening and playing music--classical, jazz, hymnal, accompanying, or really anything!
Much of her early experience was playing and leading music for her church in Taiwan. With God's guidance, she was able to come to the United States for college. He opened the door for her to attend at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She made many lifelong friendships as well as meeting her husband Eric there. She found it difficult to choose the right major, but she managed to do both Graphic Design (major) and Music (minor). She was blessed to be able to work on campus as a choir/chamber singer accompanist her freshman year of college.
For the past seven years, she has accompanied opera singers, choirs, and ballet schools on the piano. She is always looking forward to teaching and passing on the passion for music that will give glory to God!
Emily holds a Bachelor's of Arts in Graphic Design with a minor in Music (2013) from Oral Roberts University.
For the past seven years, she has accompanied opera singers, choirs, and ballet schools on the piano. She is always looking forward to teaching and passing on the passion for music that will give glory to God!
Emily holds a Bachelor's of Arts in Graphic Design with a minor in Music (2013) from Oral Roberts University.